Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Destination: Unknown

I've been wanting to start a blog for a while, but I hesitated and hesitated some more.
Blogs out there seemed to have some kind of clear focus and a vision for content and audience.
I don't have either. All I know is that I'd been putting off the start of this blog for far too long before I finally decided that I didn't need to have a fixed destination in mind.

I just know I want to write.

I tinkered with the idea of focusing on home cooking, gardening, or crafting. I knew I loved the beauty of the everyday things and wanted to take the time to capture these passing moments. I had some insights and ideas on the world of being a special education teacher... as well as being a wife in a multi-cultural family and a child of an immigrant family. I felt like I had stories to tell-- none of which were amazing adventures or journeys of epic proportions-- but quiet stories that could be shared with anyone with the time to sit and listen patiently.

And so here it begins.

Now it is out here and I'm half excited and half anxious.
I tend to say too much and put too much of myself out in the open. I tend to be critical of myself and know this is an open invitation for criticism from others as well.
It may end up being unread or even worse, unwritten, and collect dust in the corner.
But hey, here it is.